This Blog was first published in August 2008, when the first "birther" case was filed by Mr. Philip Berg in Federal District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. It was initially published to fill a void by providing a fact-based analysis of the various birther theories.
Since then, more than 200 additional "birther" cases have been filed. At least 50 such cases have been dismissed, including many cases that the courts dismissed sua sponte, before Defendants were required to respond. Additionally, many new "shocking discoveries" have splattered over the www in the past year, with promises that this time, the "smoking gun" has been found that will prove the birthers right. To date, those believing such promises have been sorely disappointed.
Thankfully, over the last many months, several other great blogs have been published, which debunk birther myths and examine new "evidence" and legal theories offered by the birthers.
Because this blog was initially started to fill a void that no longer exists thanks to these other great blogs, we have discontinued updates on the various birther theories, although we will continue to maintain the research previously published here - see below for an outline of these issues. However ...
For the latest developments, we recommend ...
Subscribe to Jack Ryan's Scribd page to get copies of all the birther court filings and other relevant documents.
Check out Fogbow for the latest birther news.
Blogs: There are many good ones, and we worry that we might not have named them all, so please let us know if we forgot to list one, but these are our top four choices.
Obama Conspiracy Theories: This is probably the most comprehensive and current blog addressing various birther theories. Doc Conspiracy addresses much of the information here -- and much much more -- in magazine-syle articles that are easy to read and understand.
Native & Natural Born Citizenship Explored: This is another blog that provides frequent updates and information on various birther claims. NBC has focused a lot on the military birthers and has some great stuff.
Bad Fiction: This is the best blog for information on the community of birthers. The blogger provides "this week in birthers" summaries of all the various activities by the birther attorneys, bloggers, and other commentors.
Barackryphal: This blog focuses on a few discreet issues - but the blogger "breaks news" with terrific original research. One primary focus of research on this blog is the claims of and person behind the "Ron Polarik" COLB forgery claims.
Oh For Goodness Sake: This blog combines breaking news in birther land with hilarious commentary on the birther cast and crew.
Thanks so much for all your support!!!
So far, we have considered the following claims set forth in Mr. Berg's pleadings:
- Was Obama Born in Kenya? Is Obama a Kenyan Citizen?
- Was Obama Born in Kenya? (Part 2 - Grandmother/Family Claims) (Updated 1/6)
- Did Obama use an Indonesian Passport to Visit Pakistan? (Updated 1/26)
- Did Obama Become an Indonesian Citizen when His Mother, Ann Durham, Married Lolo Soetoro, and Moved to Indonesia?
- Does Obama have a Canadian Birth Certificate? (Note: Berg does not discuss this claim in his Proposed Amended Complaint.)
1/23 Update: SCOTUS & "Natural Born Citizen": A compendium of U.S. Supreme Court cases using the term "natural born citizen" in any context) - in light of claims that "native-born" citizenship or "born a US citizen" per the 14th Amendment means something different than "natural born" citizenship per Article II.
1/5 Update: The "Natural Born Citizenship" Clause: A compendium of cases and legal scholarship on meaning of "natural born citizenship" - in light of claimsthat a native-born US citizen who has "dual citizenship" at birth does not qualify as a "natural born" citizen under Article II.
(Note: If you are aware of additional evidence, that either supports or refuts the allegations, please submit it through a Comment, and we will update this information accordingly! Thank you!)