General Status of Pending Litigation:
Criminal Case (Nevada). Another hearing was held on May 11 and, once again the matter was continued pursuant to defense counsel's representation that Montgomery lives in Washington and per doctor's note, can't travel due to strokes. See May 11, 2016. Next hearing is scheduled for August 10, 2016.
Montgomery v. Risen (D.D.C). No change since March 22 update - case is still pending in D.C. Federal District Court. Multiple motions remain pending.
Melendres v. Arpaio (D. Ariz.). On May 13, Judge Snow issued a 162-page Findings of Fact, which included some details regarding Montgomery's involvement in the Arpaio-MCSO-Cold Case Posse "Seattle Operation."
See May 13, 2016 for more Montgomery/Seattle Operation-related details.
See WYE Timeline - May 13, 2016 for more details on the Findings of Fact as a whole.
Melendres - Montgomery Appeals (Ninth Circuit, Nos. 15-16440 and 15-16626). Briefing is complete and, on May 27, the Ninth Circuit granted Montgomery's request to expedite consideration of the appeal. Per May 31 notice, the matter is under consideration for the September 2016 San Francisco oral argument calendar.
Montgomery v. Penumbra et al. This is a recently-discovered product liability/negligence case filed on Feb. 19 by Montgomery in Washington state court against (among others) the makers of a medical device used during his 2013 brain surgery. On May 16, the court granted defendants' motion to dismiss several of the claims.
Recent Timeline updates include:
Updated timeline to reflect recent/relevant docket entries in cases noted above.